Last Friday we received a decision in our Federal lawsuit against the State of IL that would force Illinois pregnancy centers, including Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers, to provide the “benefits” of abortion and a list of physicians who provide abortions. (Senate Bill 1564)

Despite the amazing efforts of our legal team at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) the Federal Judge, Rebecca R. Pallmeyer, denied our motion on the basis that our First Amendment rights and conscience objections were not being violated.
Though this ruling is unfavorable, Mosaic PHC will never refer for abortion, provide the so-called “benefits” of abortion nor provide contact information for those who provide abortions.
The good news is we are currently allowed to operate as usual because we are still under a protective injunction that Judge Pallmeyer has not yet dissolved. However, this injunction could be dissolved as the case proceeds.
Our next step is to continue with the current case and attempt to appeal when we are able.
For these reasons we urge you to:
Pray that God will provide wisdom and discernment for the entire legal team at ADF. They will be meeting this week to determine their next steps in moving forward.
Earnestly pray that Judge Pallmeyer will not dissolve our injunction as this would affect our ability to provide any medical services including ultrasounds.
Pray for a favorable decision in the state case
Pray for the upcoming General Election. It is extremely important to pray that those who are elected to office and those appointed as judges value life.
Vote Your Values
Local elections - Local and State elections are critically important for those who believe in the sanctity of all life. Illinois has only become an “abortion-haven” because elected politicians who support abortion have passed such laws, including SB 1564.
General election – While many Illlinois residents feel it futile to vote in the General Election, this may be the most important election in recent history. The next president most likely will appoint at least one Supreme Court Justice as well as many federal judges who will determine the future of pro-life ministries like Mosaic PHC.
For a list of candidates and their positions please verify your congressional district (your U.S. Congressional district is the last one listed under Federal; State Rep. is the last one listed under State and State Senate is just above it. Make note of these numbers.) and view the Illinois Family Institute Voter’s Guide.
While we are deeply saddened by this outcome because of the untold amount of lives that are at risk, we know that God is in control and believe in His sovereignty and provision. One of our core values, “Having Faith”, will prove to be incredibly important as the Board of Directors of Mosaic PHC will enter into a new period of decision-making for the ministry’s future.
Whatever the ultimate outcome will be, our commitment to our remaining core values including “Treasuring Life, Representing Christ, Upholding Integrity and Transforming Lives” will not waver. We will continue to follow God’s direction and “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves…” (Proverbs 31:8)
Thank you for your continued support and prayers!